Monday, August 10, 2015

I'm Back!

   Hello, faithful readers!  Guess what?  I'M BACK!  And yes, that is so worth putting into all caps.

   Usually after a long absence from my blog, my first paragraph is a sheepish apology for being away for so long.  But this time I really have a good reason.  I haven't posted for over half a year because I inadvertently locked myself out of my blog!  I was starting to be afraid I'd never be able to get into my little blog again, which would have been truly sad.

   Oh, it is so nice to be blogging again!

   I'm still at Chick-Fil-A, and still loving it.  This summer has been a most enjoyable one so far.  Having somewhere to swim makes a lot of difference.  It's something to look forward to after a long shift.  Yes, and I work mostly opening shifts now...which means that I have to be at work and clocked in, ready to start at 5:30 am.  Yup.  

   I don't know if I've ever mentioned it before, but I am not a morning person.  Pretty much every morning when my phone gives out its little default tone that serves as my (first of three) alarm I pry my eyes open, groan, stumble out of bed to hit the snooze and question my life's choices that have led up to this.  I hit the snooze, which helps to keep me from falling back into deep sleep.  When the third alarm goes off, I know it's five o'clock, and that I have to get up.  

   I have learned that all I need is 15 minutes to get ready for the day, and in a pinch, 9 minutes.  It's that bad.  It takes me 15 minutes to get to work, so if I leave by 5:15, I'm generally on time.  

   I hate being up at that hour.  It generally takes me two to three hours (without caffeine) to really wake up.  Each day I think I must be crazy to have chosen these hours when I knew that I am not an early bird.  And yet after the lunch rush, everything starts to calm down at the store.  We have time to recover, stock supplies, and generally pick up the pieces from all the chaos of the hour and a half before.  I can stay busy until the afternoon lull sets in, and then, boom!  I clock out, and I'm done for the rest of the day!  At 2 pm.  It's great!  I eat a little snack, and then the afternoon is mine.  

   You see, the alternative would be either to work afternoons or work nights.  I was against nights from the start.  Believe it or not, readers, I actually have what might be called a social life!  I need my evenings to go places and do activities.  And it is *so* nice to be trying to make plans with someone and be able to say, "Hey, I'm off work at 2:30 everyday; what time works for you?"  I can run errands or go swimming in the afternoons, and it's wonderful.  Besides...the afternoon lull lasts from 2 to 4ish, or even 5pm.  It's possible to run out of things to do.  I know a lot of fun can happen in that time frame, but I'd be falling asleep on my feet.  I couldn't bear it.  If I'm going to be at work, at least let me be busy!  So, really, morning shifts were the best option.  Even though I question that every morning.  

   Yes, well.  I started with work-related stuff because a full-time job does take up most of my time.  (Surprise.)  I'm still going ballroom dancing on some Friday nights, and have gotten a few friends interested in coming with us.  My church actually has a Sunday-School class for singles now!  I have waited so long for there to be a real ministry for singles!  It took a few know, to get singles again.  Most of the singles around my age group left for good once they left for college.  They've been scarce, and then many of them had to go off and get married..!  But we have a fair-sized crowd, and the teachers of the class have started this thing where we meet together in one of their homes for fellowship, discussion, and naturally, food.  It gives me something to look forward to in the middle of the week.  It's a great way to get to know each other; without all the formality or time-restraint of the church's setting.  

   In a week or two, the church's choir and orchestra will be starting up again for the Christmas semester!  I am so excited...even a little surprised at how excited I am.  I needed the break over the summer, but I have really missed it!  Besides, Christmas music!!  

   I think this will have to do for tonight.  I do have work in the morning, and got lots going on tomorrow.  I think if I try to tackle anything descriptive or thought-provoking than I will be staying up entirely too late.  Until the next time, my faithful readers, I am ever your


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