Holy moley..! It's actually been a year since I've written a fun post!
How about something lighter for a change?
I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I have a new job now. I work at Chick-Fil-A! I've been there for about three months now, and I am really enjoying it.
I was thinking today about some things that happen on the job that would be funny to me if I didn't have to put up with them so much. What's the buzzword for those types of things these days..? "Micro-aggressions." Yeah. Personally, I only use that term ironically, such as "First World Problems," because first-world problems aren't real problems. I've seen rural India, don't come whining to me about your wifi connection or that someone skimped the foam on your Starbucks drink. You won't get much sympathy here.
Right! So, ironically or not so ironically, here are some work-related Micro-aggressions:
(1)- This:
Me: (at the window) "Can I get you any sauces or condiments?"
Them: "No, just ketchup."
Because ketchup isn't a sauce. Got it.
What's really cute is when I place two ketchup packets into their bag and they say, "Oh, and can I get some mayo?" I grab two mayonnaise packets and slip them into their bag and they say, "Mustard...and one Barbeque and one Polynesian sauce."
I have my hands full of packets in the window, and what I'm actually doing is smiling my sweetest and saying, "What else can I get for you?" when what I really want to do is fire the packages at their face. TAKE YOUR SAUCES AND GO, YOU'RE HOLDING UP THE LINE!!
(2)- Making me lean out the window.
Look, I get it, you're used to staying clear of brick walls. All the same, don't you think three and a half feet is a little far away from the window? You might consider that some people don't have very long arms, and that in order to reach you, I have to lean half my body out the windowsill. The very least you can do is try to meet me halfway and not just lazily grab it at your window. And rolling down your window all the way might help, too.
Of course, by now I've learned that if I dive out the window to reach you, the people behind you will feel sorry for me and will drive closer. Not that that excuses you.
(3) "These fries are cold."
You're kidding. After sitting there munching on your chicken for ten minutes your fries weren't piping hot? Our fries may be yummy, but they get cold quickly. Deal with it.
(4) "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but we spilled our fruit punch."
Okay, why on earth did you even give fruit punch to your kid in the first place? This stuff should be banned from children under seven.
(5) "Can I get this to go?"
This is a perfectly acceptable question if asked at the right time. Right when the tray of food is placed in front of you on the counter is not the time.
If you'll think back, I asked you a question right when you walked up to my register. I asked you these words, "Will you be dining in with us today?"
First question that I asked you. It's really not so difficult if you break it down. "Will you be dining IN"---in as in, "here IN this dining room,"---"with us," as in the idea of you being around us for a while. As in, here. As in, here IN Chick-Fil-A.
You answered, "Yeah, yeah, dining in." I remember distinctly, because I needed to press the right button to tell the people bagging your order whether it needs to be in a bag or on a tray.
Either you weren't paying attention because you were distracted by your phone conversation or something of that nature, or you looked at me funny, apparently thinking that I was asking you if you wanted to "dine," today. I think that because your look clearly said, "Of course I want to eat, you idiot, why else would I walk into a Chick-Fil-A?" But again, the question isn't so hard if you break it down. Or maybe, like, LISTEN to the words I used.
Now you want it to go. Meaning that the bagger is annoyed with me now because it's caused him some extra work. We strive for quick service, and people like you slow us down when you're not willing to work with us. When you ask me, "Can I get this to go?" I really, really want to say, "No you may not. You'll eat it here, and you'll like it."
(6) "I want a chicken salad."
Do you mean you want our chicken salad sandwich, our side of chicken salad, or do you mean a salad with chicken on it?
If you'd bother to read our menu, you'd see that our big salads have nifty names, just for your convenience! There's our Cobb salad, our Asian salad, and our Grilled Market Salad. When you say you want "a chicken salad," you could mean any of three very different salads. And believe it or not, "chicken salad," is not the same thing as a salad with chicken on it.
(7) "Is that a large?"
I get this from fussy, sour-faced middle-aged ladies with pointy framed glasses only after I've tendered their order and are preparing their drink for them. Well, no. This is our medium size, which is the size that comes with the meal. If you want to up-size it to a large, there's a 90 cent difference, and you really ought to tell me that before I swipe your card.
(8) When people use other restaurants' lingo. "Can I have the combo meal?" "Do you have curly fries?" "I want the six piece chicken McNuggets..." "I need three Happy Meals..." "Can I get the King-sized drink with that?" "I'd like the Cini-minis."
Get out. You're besmirching my restaurant's honor.
(9) "Are you still serving breakfast?"
Again, this one's not so bad if given in the right time area. But I've had people ask me that at three in the afternoon. Actually no, we're not. Of course, I need to make sure I tell people, "Sorry, no; we serve breakfast until 10:30." Who knows, maybe word will get around?
(10) When people ask for "regular iced tea."
I love this one. Today, I had a lady ask me for regular tea. I smiled and asked her, "Sweet or unsweet?" And she looked at me like I had two heads. "Reg-u-lar," she pronounced more loudly and clearly.
I'm sorry, I don't know what area of the country you come from. Here in the South, people tend to think of cold tea as "sweet tea." It's the regular, or default mode of tea for a lot of people. But if you're from up North, (Hmph, Yankees!) I understand you thinking that tea in its original state would not be inherently sweet. I'm a tea-drinker. We brew tea in the back, I know that when it's freshly-made it isn't sweet. I get that.
But honestly, I asked you a very clear question. "Sweet or Unsweet." As in, "We have two options, pick one." I really don't see what's so hard about this.
Okay, so yeah, these things tick me off. But they aren't real problems. They're funny. I laugh about them. They aren't that important in the big scheme of things. I can't allow myself to lose my sense of humor over such trivial things. Sometimes the best thing I can do to help myself in situations is to step back and laugh. Whatever! It's not that big a deal. Once you lose your sense of humor, you've given up one of your best weapons in life.
Besides, a lot of what gives Chick-Fil-A its superior status to other fast-food places is the way the employees handle such situations. The employees care about their customers, and when there's a problem, we seek to make it right. We sell a good product, and we go the extra mile to serve our customers. That's why we have raving fans. That's why people choose to come here. That's why families and kids love it here. That's why so many people like me want to work here.
I'll listen to you. I'll do my best to help you. I won't rush you. I won't be rude to you.
I will NOT fling the sauces in your face.
I will NOT roll my eyes at you when you complain that your fries got cold, no matter how sorely I am tempted to do so.
I will get out the mop and bucket and clean up your spilled fruit punch and I will say, "That's okay, accidents happen." Because kids, right? I was one once. I grew up with siblings. I know how it is. You didn't want them spilling their drink any more than I did. And you're being so nice to give your kids fruit punch when you could make them drink water.
I will grab a bag from the drive-thru area and I will put your meal in a bag for you.
I'll try to ask clarifying questions so you don't end up with a chicken salad sandwich when what you wanted was our delicious Grilled Market Salad.
I'll up-size your drink for you if I wasn't paying attention the first time, and I won't charge you. Some other employees may not, so don't try this ploy deliberately.
I will listen patiently while you order and I will suppress the urge to correct you with our own lingo unless it is appropriate.
I will continue to tell people when we stop serving breakfast. I will attempt to teach, and help you understand the way we do things so that you'll be able to get your order faster next time.
And I will keep asking you if you would like sweet or unsweet tea until you tell me which one you prefer.
I want to help you. We sell a great product here, and I want you to experience it. And I do want you to feel welcome and at home here. I do care about you. You're a person, like me, and you've got your own back story and your struggles. I honestly want you to feel when you come in here that you've reached a safe harbor. That you can sit still for a while and leave everything up to us. We'll take care of you and make sure to serve you.
Because seriously, it IS my pleasure to serve you.
How about something lighter for a change?
I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but I have a new job now. I work at Chick-Fil-A! I've been there for about three months now, and I am really enjoying it.
I was thinking today about some things that happen on the job that would be funny to me if I didn't have to put up with them so much. What's the buzzword for those types of things these days..? "Micro-aggressions." Yeah. Personally, I only use that term ironically, such as "First World Problems," because first-world problems aren't real problems. I've seen rural India, don't come whining to me about your wifi connection or that someone skimped the foam on your Starbucks drink. You won't get much sympathy here.
Right! So, ironically or not so ironically, here are some work-related Micro-aggressions:
(1)- This:
Me: (at the window) "Can I get you any sauces or condiments?"
Them: "No, just ketchup."
Because ketchup isn't a sauce. Got it.
What's really cute is when I place two ketchup packets into their bag and they say, "Oh, and can I get some mayo?" I grab two mayonnaise packets and slip them into their bag and they say, "Mustard...and one Barbeque and one Polynesian sauce."
I have my hands full of packets in the window, and what I'm actually doing is smiling my sweetest and saying, "What else can I get for you?" when what I really want to do is fire the packages at their face. TAKE YOUR SAUCES AND GO, YOU'RE HOLDING UP THE LINE!!
(2)- Making me lean out the window.
Look, I get it, you're used to staying clear of brick walls. All the same, don't you think three and a half feet is a little far away from the window? You might consider that some people don't have very long arms, and that in order to reach you, I have to lean half my body out the windowsill. The very least you can do is try to meet me halfway and not just lazily grab it at your window. And rolling down your window all the way might help, too.
Of course, by now I've learned that if I dive out the window to reach you, the people behind you will feel sorry for me and will drive closer. Not that that excuses you.
(3) "These fries are cold."
You're kidding. After sitting there munching on your chicken for ten minutes your fries weren't piping hot? Our fries may be yummy, but they get cold quickly. Deal with it.
(4) "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but we spilled our fruit punch."
Okay, why on earth did you even give fruit punch to your kid in the first place? This stuff should be banned from children under seven.
(5) "Can I get this to go?"
This is a perfectly acceptable question if asked at the right time. Right when the tray of food is placed in front of you on the counter is not the time.
If you'll think back, I asked you a question right when you walked up to my register. I asked you these words, "Will you be dining in with us today?"
First question that I asked you. It's really not so difficult if you break it down. "Will you be dining IN"---in as in, "here IN this dining room,"---"with us," as in the idea of you being around us for a while. As in, here. As in, here IN Chick-Fil-A.
You answered, "Yeah, yeah, dining in." I remember distinctly, because I needed to press the right button to tell the people bagging your order whether it needs to be in a bag or on a tray.
Either you weren't paying attention because you were distracted by your phone conversation or something of that nature, or you looked at me funny, apparently thinking that I was asking you if you wanted to "dine," today. I think that because your look clearly said, "Of course I want to eat, you idiot, why else would I walk into a Chick-Fil-A?" But again, the question isn't so hard if you break it down. Or maybe, like, LISTEN to the words I used.
Now you want it to go. Meaning that the bagger is annoyed with me now because it's caused him some extra work. We strive for quick service, and people like you slow us down when you're not willing to work with us. When you ask me, "Can I get this to go?" I really, really want to say, "No you may not. You'll eat it here, and you'll like it."
(6) "I want a chicken salad."
Do you mean you want our chicken salad sandwich, our side of chicken salad, or do you mean a salad with chicken on it?
If you'd bother to read our menu, you'd see that our big salads have nifty names, just for your convenience! There's our Cobb salad, our Asian salad, and our Grilled Market Salad. When you say you want "a chicken salad," you could mean any of three very different salads. And believe it or not, "chicken salad," is not the same thing as a salad with chicken on it.
(7) "Is that a large?"
I get this from fussy, sour-faced middle-aged ladies with pointy framed glasses only after I've tendered their order and are preparing their drink for them. Well, no. This is our medium size, which is the size that comes with the meal. If you want to up-size it to a large, there's a 90 cent difference, and you really ought to tell me that before I swipe your card.
(8) When people use other restaurants' lingo. "Can I have the combo meal?" "Do you have curly fries?" "I want the six piece chicken McNuggets..." "I need three Happy Meals..." "Can I get the King-sized drink with that?" "I'd like the Cini-minis."
Get out. You're besmirching my restaurant's honor.
(9) "Are you still serving breakfast?"
Again, this one's not so bad if given in the right time area. But I've had people ask me that at three in the afternoon. Actually no, we're not. Of course, I need to make sure I tell people, "Sorry, no; we serve breakfast until 10:30." Who knows, maybe word will get around?
(10) When people ask for "regular iced tea."
I love this one. Today, I had a lady ask me for regular tea. I smiled and asked her, "Sweet or unsweet?" And she looked at me like I had two heads. "Reg-u-lar," she pronounced more loudly and clearly.
I'm sorry, I don't know what area of the country you come from. Here in the South, people tend to think of cold tea as "sweet tea." It's the regular, or default mode of tea for a lot of people. But if you're from up North, (Hmph, Yankees!) I understand you thinking that tea in its original state would not be inherently sweet. I'm a tea-drinker. We brew tea in the back, I know that when it's freshly-made it isn't sweet. I get that.
But honestly, I asked you a very clear question. "Sweet or Unsweet." As in, "We have two options, pick one." I really don't see what's so hard about this.
Okay, so yeah, these things tick me off. But they aren't real problems. They're funny. I laugh about them. They aren't that important in the big scheme of things. I can't allow myself to lose my sense of humor over such trivial things. Sometimes the best thing I can do to help myself in situations is to step back and laugh. Whatever! It's not that big a deal. Once you lose your sense of humor, you've given up one of your best weapons in life.
Besides, a lot of what gives Chick-Fil-A its superior status to other fast-food places is the way the employees handle such situations. The employees care about their customers, and when there's a problem, we seek to make it right. We sell a good product, and we go the extra mile to serve our customers. That's why we have raving fans. That's why people choose to come here. That's why families and kids love it here. That's why so many people like me want to work here.
I'll listen to you. I'll do my best to help you. I won't rush you. I won't be rude to you.
I will NOT fling the sauces in your face.
I will NOT roll my eyes at you when you complain that your fries got cold, no matter how sorely I am tempted to do so.
I will get out the mop and bucket and clean up your spilled fruit punch and I will say, "That's okay, accidents happen." Because kids, right? I was one once. I grew up with siblings. I know how it is. You didn't want them spilling their drink any more than I did. And you're being so nice to give your kids fruit punch when you could make them drink water.
I will grab a bag from the drive-thru area and I will put your meal in a bag for you.
I'll try to ask clarifying questions so you don't end up with a chicken salad sandwich when what you wanted was our delicious Grilled Market Salad.
I'll up-size your drink for you if I wasn't paying attention the first time, and I won't charge you. Some other employees may not, so don't try this ploy deliberately.
I will listen patiently while you order and I will suppress the urge to correct you with our own lingo unless it is appropriate.
I will continue to tell people when we stop serving breakfast. I will attempt to teach, and help you understand the way we do things so that you'll be able to get your order faster next time.
And I will keep asking you if you would like sweet or unsweet tea until you tell me which one you prefer.
I want to help you. We sell a great product here, and I want you to experience it. And I do want you to feel welcome and at home here. I do care about you. You're a person, like me, and you've got your own back story and your struggles. I honestly want you to feel when you come in here that you've reached a safe harbor. That you can sit still for a while and leave everything up to us. We'll take care of you and make sure to serve you.
Because seriously, it IS my pleasure to serve you.
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