Friday, July 12, 2013

The Return to England

   I haven't posted in a good while.  I really am sorry, people.  It's not that I've been frightfully busy, or particularly that I have been lazy; I have thought of posting several times.  Even wanted to.  The trouble is that I'm in one of those stages where everything important happening to me is strictly personal.  I mean, even more personal than I usually am.  So, not wanting to betray anyone's confidence, or expose any secrets, I've simply stayed away.  Maybe not the best thing to do, but hey, I don't think anyone wants a boring post as I try to scrape up other things going on around me that may or may not be interesting. 

   I have something to report now!  I am flying out tonight with my brother for the aforementioned two week trip to England!!  We're going for the Inklings' conference, held at Oxford University.  The first week will be the conference, but then my brother and I are going to spend the next week gallivanting about sightseeing and shopping and browsing in book shops!  (Know what I mean by "browsing?"  It means he goes through all of them and maybe buys fourteen.)  Yeah, well.  I like bookshops, too.  It's going to be SO much fun.

   And guess what!  I bought a new camera!  Yeah, so I promise I'll put pictures on here.  Long overdue.  I'll try to make it worthwhile. 

   We're visiting the most beautiful place I've ever been:  an old manor named Tortworth, made into a gorgeous hotel.  The grounds are the most storybookish, most romantic place.  I will bring back pictures of some of its splendors.  Including, I hope, the mysterious gazebo.  It's mysterious because I saw it when I first entered with our group, but the next morning when my brother and sister and I made a thorough search, we couldn't find it.  I'd like to find it and take a picture---just because.  I have a thing for gazebos. 

   Last February as I was flying home from India I had a short layover in Heathrow.  I don't know how it was, but I kept getting turned around in that place!  I thought I was headed one way, and then I'd walk down huge long hallways until it got quiet, close, and rather creepy, and then I headed back to where I'd started from.  I got in the wrong line once, and had waited in it for a good while before I realized my mistake.  I had to ask directions at least five times, and in some wacky way I kept ending up in the same stupid area I'd started in.  It was terrible! 

   But then the elevators!!  I'm usually not scared of elevators.  Childish fear, right?  I don't know.  I got on one and the doors shut very, very slowly.  When they met, everything grew very still.  I was already a bit high strung after what I'd been going through, so now I got nervous for real. 

   "Is this thing going to move?"  I wondered.  "What if I get stuck in here?" 

   It began moving, but very slowly, as if it wasn't sure it could make it.  Then the lights, and the lit up ads on the walls began flickering!!

   "Oh, gosh!!"  I thought.  "This is not good.  Lord, just get me out of here, please!!" 

   Yeah, I had to ride the creepy elevators a couple of times.  At least this time I'll have my brother with me!! 

   Well, I'd better wrap this up.  My flight leaves in a few hours, so I've got to cut this short. 

   "Well, goodbye Jim.  So long, Ted; have a nice trip---I mean, yeah, thanks, I will!!" 
Quote from Holiday Inn.  Love that movie!  Take care, people!


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