Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Deadly Strands

   Hi, peoples!  Sorry it's taken me over a week to post.  Sunday night is not a good time to write a post, so I thought I'd wait until later.  It's later.

   Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, the reason why there have been no pictures on here is simply because my camera died in India, and I haven't gotten a new one yet.  Maybe I should find pictures on the internet.  What, pictures on the internet?  Reeeally? 

   Springtime is such a wonderful time of year.  I say that kind of tongue-in-cheek because that's what everyone else says.  Again, don't get me wrong.  These last two weeks have been absolutely gorgeous.  The Bradford Pear trees have shed their snowy blossoms and are now clothed in a rich, shimmering emerald.  Some other trees are still blooming.  And all of them have new, tender leaves of a golden green.  It's a breathtaking sight in a golden afternoon.  I love seeing all the tulips planted in bunches by the business signs in town.  It's delicious to have green again. 

   The catch is, I can never be quite as part of spring as I can of the other three.  I wish I could, but it's just---the pollen.  Look, I know pollen kind of bothers everyone, and that it isn't Nice to look at, but it's so much worse than that.  For those of you who have really bad allergies, you'll understand.  For those of you who don't, let me describe it a little. 

   The moment those deadly strands appear on the trees, you know it's coming.  You feel the impending disaster, but there's nothing you can do.  The sweet breezes of spring blow and the yellow powder puffs out into the air and right into your nose and mouth.  Your lungs protest and somewhere inside you a red light starts flashing.  The sirens go off, and there's an announcement from High Command.  "MUCAS SWITCH ON.  NO, PUT IT IN HIGH GEAR." 

   Immediately your body goes, "Yes, sir, right away sir!"  Then your eyes and nose start running.  You feel a stinging, burning sensation in both.  Oh, and then comes my favorite part.  The pollen has gone down your throat and the mucas your body is making is trying to get rid of it.  Result: Stinging, burning sensation in throat!  So now you're coughing, sneezing, and stinging all at once! 

   Oh, yes, Spring is a lovely time of year.  I love it through a window.  Once the pollen takes its full strength, the minute you step outside you feel your body responding.  Sinuses are blocked, throat starts stinging from the pollen going into it, eyes watering, nose burning.  I wish I could enjoy and be part of springtime, but for the first weeks of it, I have to hide inside with the air-conditioning.  Once there are some good rains that wash the beastly stuff down the gutters, I'm all for spring.  That's the real reason I couldn't write as Nice a tribute to Spring at first.  I was thinking, "But the pollen---!!" 

   Yeah, so.  Not so nice post this time.  I'll post again soon with something nicer, but I need to leave now...Till next time then!


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